why do i get scared when someone yells at me

I immediately stop talking even if I'm right.

just now. When I was a kid my mom was a huge screamer and would get angry over just about anything. I'm 19 now and I still get nervous or tend to get scared whenever people yell or argue with one another.
Crying is a natural response when we are feeling overwhelmed, scared or unpleasant. Originally Answered: Why do I get afraid when someone yells at me? I grew up with my parents verbally and physically abusing me from 5 to 17, my step-father was worse with the verbal part, my biological was worse with the physical. Most of the time they just tell me what have I done wrong or what I should or shouldn't do next time. When people yell, like when they're angry or pissed off, I get really scared that something bad is gunna happen like a fight. If you were exposed to a lot of fighting while growing up that can be the reason.

when my mom found out, she practically yelled at me more and cracked it cause apparently she's not allowed to yell now and she said that "i know where my father lives" please help me, i don't want to be scared everytime someone gets into an argument and it really hurts me … Yes it's normal, it's your brains way of telling you to get away from a dangerous situation. They aren't more sympathetic because they are scared and they want you to stop. (srs) I'm a manager at a local grocery store and when upset customers get angry and start yelling I get shaky and my voice gets shaky. As someone who makes many mistakes at work I really fear people will be yelling at me and I won't be able to fight back. But, the key to dealing with being yelled at is seeing that it is the other person’s failed technique for communicating. When someone yells at us, we could be feeling emotional pain about why this person is yelling at us for. Why do i dissociate when someone yells at me? People get scared when they see scars because they want you to be happy, and when they see the scars, they are worried about what might come next. Again this was after she, and her husband had thoroughly explained that they were poor, and needed help around the house. I think there is nothing to be scared of yells. I will yell back at them. My mother, after I turned 18 has always been trying to frame … As well, many of them don't know why you do it. I get really anxious and sick to my stomack. I grew up with two sisters, both older than me. Feeling uneasy when someone is angry or yelling at you is completely normal. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about “Why does my dad yell at me when I cry” Why do I cry when someone yells at me?