black death alternate history

The novel explores how world history might have been different if the Black Death plague had killed 99% of Europe's population, instead of a third. It’s a fun read, but gets a little talky at the end. These stories usually contain "what if" scenarios at crucial points in history and present outcomes other … The black death wiped out anywhere between 20% and 50% of the human population, and so without it obviously the world population would be billions more than it is now. 3. The Byzantines blame the Turks and start the Byzantine-Turk Plague War. Quite definitely the Orient. Supposing that the political entities of the time did not implode, which is quite possible. We’ve included alternate history novels focusing on different time periods and different parts of the world so there is sure to be something for everyone’s area of interest. An alternate history of Picasso's life (and possibly death) in Paris during World War II. Possible Earths. Ever since I started blogging about alternate history, I have been asked which alternate history books I think are the best. In this Alternate History the black death was far more severe and as a result there was a massive change in the political movements across Europe and Asia. The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1347 and 1351. Matt Mitrovich - February 23, 2016. The Black Death resulted in the deaths of up to 75–200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. Each new thread must start with a scenario at least 2000 words long, and will be reviewed by a moderator before they show up. The origins of the plague are disputed among scholars. The genre of alternate history explores questions like these and paints rich, imaginative versions of worlds that could have so easily existed, if just one pivotal moment in the past had turned out differently. In The Years of Rice and Salt, the Black Death has killed 99% of Europe's population (you'll notice that a lot of alternate history wish fulfillment involves wiping out all of Europe). The Years of Rice and Salt is an alternate history novel by American science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson, published in 2002. Another challenge of mine (muahahaha), so what if a particularly virulent and fatal strain of the Black Death evolved in the grasslands of Central Asia prior to its spread across Eurasia, maybe the genome of the bacteria was changed by a few base sequences or so. This is a forum for finished, complete alternate history timelines and scenarios.